Sunday, September 6, 2009

When To Pick Stellar Stock Online

Online investment, like any other online business, require you to learn the basics. Regardless of whether you plan to pursue stock trading as s full-time career or not, knowing when to pick stellar stock options is primarily based on knowing the ins and outs of online stock trading.

If you are still a beginner in the stock trading industry, it is essential to have a working background on online stock trading, or, instead of learning how to pick stellar stock, you might be the one being taken for a ride. The best way to learn all about online stock trading rests in your choosing a reliable and reputable online trading firm.

The best way to start picking an online firm is to look for one that offers free account registration, with a beginner level. Many stock firms would say that you don't need to learn the ropes to pick stellar stock on the floor; all you need to do is sign up and type in your credit card information and they'll do the rest --- beware of such statements.

It is essential for you to learn how online stock trading works, so that you'll know where your money is going and if it's working for you, and not for the online trading firm. Be clear about what you want, and go for it. Don't rely on sites and traders who state all you have to do is sign up and they'll do all the rest. Fraud works by making you feel like you don't have to worry about anything else, at all. An online site with beginner levels is one way of knowing that that site cares about its investors, and not just the profit.

Choose the online stock trading firm that can give you access to real-time and delayed stock quote news, updates, tips, picks and stock analysis that will help you pick stellar stock options. Many online stock trading sites offer beginners with information that would help them learn how to manage their investments, and how to pick stellar stock using stock reports, day trading stock tip updates and information. This is essential, because the key to making great buy offers is information.

In most cases, these online brokerage sites provide beginning investors with real-time day trading stock tip and stock quotes to keep you informed of the shifts and movements on the floor. Some may even offer after hours stock tip and updates for your mutual fund options and stock investments. Just to be on the safe side, try searching for sites that offer the best ways for you to get firsthand information from the market. These sites offer day trading stock tip developments, stock quote data, and other stock trading information. Getting real-time stock information is essential especially for day trading and direct stock investments.

Delayed stock quotes are also often used for after hours trading on mutual fund stock options, as well as stock analysis and market projections. You can also use these information in developing your own stock trading strategy, while earning the experience to make the best day trading stock tip.

Beginners in stock trading may start handling relatively solid stock options just so they can get a feel of buying and selling stocks. Soak in as much information and experience you can. After some time, you'll be able to move on to bigger and more volatile stocks, and your learning experience will make the difference between being able to pick stellar stock and mediocre ones.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Stock Market Power Secrets - Is Your Portfolio Fully Insured?

Did you know wealthy people actually buy insurance on their stock portfolios? And did you know you can do the same thing? All you have to do is learn how. In the next few moments I'm going to share 3 ways you can insure your portfolio.

Back in 1973 when CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange) was created few investors knew how much power options trading would allow. Fast forward 35 years and options trading is more popular than ever. However while professional investors and traders have been using options now for many years, most retail, or every day investors, know very little if anything at all about options.

Even now, after all these years, I still meet financial advisors and retail portfolio managers (better said salesmen) who roll their eyes when I say I trade options. True, for the completely uneducated options can present some unique risks and... shall we say money missing opportunities... But for those who take the time (which is not much) to learn about options the benefits far exceed the risks. In fact most are finding options less risky to trade than stocks. And most important they are finding options to be a simple and safe hedge or insurance policy against loss.

Here are three powerful ways you can use options to insure, or protect, your stock portfolio.

1) Protection Against A Crash

You have invested $100,000 in stocks and suddenly the government announces the economy is about to come to a complete stop. Sound extreme? Thats practically what happened this past summer. So what do you do with your stock?

Enter - the Put Option. Put Options are one of the 2 basic types of options. They literally insure you against loss just like AllState or Progressive insures your house against destruction. While many people lost money during the crash of 2008, millions also protected their money. In fact it's one of those small little dark corner secrets wealthy people have known for years - and now you know it too!

2) Rent your stock for income

One of the most popular options strategies for retail investors is the use of a Call Option to create income on their stocks. Call options allow you to sell someone the right to use your stock while the market is moving down. It sounds counter-intuitive but if you held stock through the crash and want to regain some of your losses, this is the single best way to do it.

3) Combining Puts & Calls

Some people just love their stock and they never want to sell. But news still happens. If you know news is coming out related to your stock and you are afraid it may negatively affect you, using both a Put & a Call Option will insure your position. Your stock will stay safe through the news, and you can actually make a little money in the process.

These are just three of the ways you can use options to limit your risk. There are actually over 100 different strategies and ways to use options - all designed to limit risk and increase income. To learn more about options and how they can limit your risk try taking my FREE E-class teaching the "Basics of Stock Options". You can find it here:

When you have options on your side, you can not go wrong!

Jeremy Whaley is Co-founder of The Financial Puzzle, a company dedicate to helping others understand and achieve financial freedom. He is an avid stock market trader, entrepreneur, and professional musician. Visit the website at

Stock Market Profit Tips - Is Your Investment Account Recession Proof? (It Could Be)

"Recession!" It seems to be the single most popular word on the mind of Americans. News outlets love it. Retailers hate it. The general public -- they fear it. And the rich? Well they manage it. And you can too if you know how. Here's three tips that can help offset your recession fears, preserve your investments and in some cases actually make you some money!

1. Insure your stock.

Did you know you can insure your stock? Sadly most American's do not know this very valuable piece of information. Of course you can't just go out and buy stock insurance from Progressive or AllState, but it is not much more difficult than that.

Insurance for your stocks comes in the form of "stock options". Until recently options (for short) were reserved for a special group of investors who had special connections. But in 1973 Chicago Board of Trade launched a new financial exchange they called Chicago Board Options Exchange. While the name itself may not mean a lot to you what it allows you to do could mean the difference in saving your retirement account, or watching it dwindle away to nothing.

At the core what options allow is for a trader to insure, or "hedge", their position against catastrophic loss. Maybe you've heard of a hedge fund. These highly specialized funds specialize in trading these particular investment vehicles. But investment hedges are not reserved for only the sophisticated investor, everyday individual people like yourself can invest in them as well.

If you have some money in the stock market and would like to protect it call your broker and tell him you would like to talk about some "protective put options" to insure you against loss. If he says he doesn't know what you're talking about ask for a different broker. If they tell you "you don't want to do that" -- ask your broker how much money he made for you in the last three months. If they tell you "here's how you do it" -- now you can protect your portfolio against a major turn in the market

2. Rent your stock

Many Americans rent an extra house or two every year and benefit from the extra income. But did you know you can "rent" your stock as well? Just like you can use stock options to insure your portfolio, you can also use options to make money on a portfolio that is going nowhere.

After a major downward move in the stock market like we saw during 2008 an immediate rebound is not likely. More often what we see is a sideways market. Simply put the market goes "no where". However, just because you are not loosing money in the market it does not mean you are making money. One way you can make some money is by renting your stock out with call options.

What this type of option allows you to do is to create some income from your stock without selling the stock. A lot of investors like to use this strategy to offset losses and to dollar-cost-average down their position. If the market never recovers they are able to recoup their investments. Or better, when the market does recover, they are literally able to catapult their profits to new levels. This is a sure fire strategy to beat the great recession and protect your financial future.

3. Combine insurance with rental

A third way you can beat the recession is by combining the two strategies above. Obviously insurance is not free. But rental provides some income. So a smart investor could choose to buy insurance on his stock, then turn around and rent the stock to pay for the insurance. In fact, if structured properly you can actually bring more money in letting someone else rent your stock than you spend on the insurance position. By combining the two strategies the smart investor manages to insure himself against loss while also providing some extra income during what could be an otherwise devastating economic down turn.

I have shared with you three ways to beat the recession and turn your stock portfolio into a much safer investment. While these three strategies are certainly a great way to beat a struggling economy there are actually over 100 different ways you can use stock options to hedge your investments. With a little education you can not only beat any recession but also create great wealth during tough economic times.

And now I'd like to invite you to sign up for a free copy of my special report How to Retire in One Year With Only $10,000 when you visit this link:

In this special report I show my absolutely favorite retirement strategy and how to use it to create consistent monthly income large enough to retire!

Jeremy Whaley is Co-founder of The Financial Puzzle, a company dedicate to helping others understand and achieve financial freedom. He is an avid stock market trader, entrepreneur, and professional musician. Visit the website at

Free Stock Picks - Get What You Pay For Or Are You Missing a Very Good Deal?

Are you missing a good deal by by-passing free stock market tips & picks? You will find that most of the tips are good if you follow the provider's instructions and watch them very closely. Good stock picks can be very expenses and that makes some people feel that free picks cannot be worth much. This is not always the case.


However, you must observe a big caution and never jump in until you have watched a few picks for a while and see if the claims of success are for real. You should do "paper trading" or recording the dates of the picks and results to see if the results are worth you time before you put any of your funds to work. Proceed slowly and only put a small amount of your investment dollars at first. Increase with success.

Why would anyone give free picks?

The reasons are many. Usually the services that provide free tips have other sources of income, such as advertising or brokerage services. In some cases they just believe that the good fortunes they have had should be shared. Whatever the case, if they are free and are working for you, why should you care.

Adjust to your style.

Are you a long term investor or do you like to day trade? It is important that you find services that fit you profile and temperament. This is another reason not to jump in until you see a fit to your style. If it doesn't fit exactly, maybe you can adjust the picks and make them fit.

Where can you find stock picks?

You can find free stock tips in several locations:

1. Search Engines, Google, Yahoo, etc.
2. Article Directories, Clickbank, go articles, etc.
3. Advertising Classifieds, Craig's List, USFreeAds, etc.

Next time you see Free Stock Picks, check them out, it could be your lucky day.

Gene Wojewoda is a writer. He runs the website Gene gives advice and helps people with stock tips.

Strategize Your Investments

Planning is the key to success. In fact, this adage perfectly applies on the stock trading, as no one can get the desired success in this arena without making proper strategy. Every investor, who is willing to make the best profit needs to strategize his finances and should make every move in a planned manner. Stock market is definitely, an unpredictable affair but slight attentiveness can enable every investor to smell everything before it happens. Planning not only make your investment beneficial but also prevents you from getting affected at the time sudden fluctuations. However, planning your investments is not as easy as it seems to be but it can be made easier by keeping constant eye on the all events of stock market. Strategize stock investment can be performed by doing thorough analysis of factors like value, growth and technical aspect. Basically value refers to the position of the stock issuer company and it determines the future benefits of any investment. Analysis of value is very essential, as buying and selling any security without proper value estimation can lead to a big loss. Assessing market value of any company's stock is no more a tough task, as n numbers of tools and mediums are available to perform this task. Value assessment also helps an investor in dealing with sudden ups and downs of the market. People, who have the tendency of making quick decisions, may also avoid loss-making decisions by doing value assessment.

The other aspect that needs to strategize any investment is growth. Growth refers to the rise and downfall in the value of any stock, therefore, one must know whether his or her owned stocks are capable of making profit in long run or not. However, investment itself categorized in long term and short term categories but in worst cases long term investments can also be sold out. Basically, this situation comes when the market company goes through the roughest patch and no other option remains for the investor and the issuer company.

Making predictions on the value of any stock is one of the most complicated tasks for any investor, as it demands a lot of updated information and authentic data. But now with the involvement of internet and other online tools in this sector, assessing the value and returns has become very easy. Today n numbers of online trading websites and relevant firms are available on the internet and with their help every investor can get an idea about the position of his investment. Various charts and details are available on these sites that are suitable enough to make any decision over retaining or selling out any owned security. However both long term and short term investment demand analysis but since short term investment are more critical, regular analysis in needed to attain the desired financial gain. If you are an active investor and want to attain the desired return on your investments, then do not forget to plan your investment through the suitable strategy.

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How to Make a Fortune With Momentum Stocks

Thrill seekers are always out on the prowl for something that'll give them the adrenalin rush their bodies need. They crave for it, like an alcoholic itching to quench his thirst with a bottle beer, or a drug addict getting worked up while waiting for the next does of dope to come. All of these activities are of course unproductive, which means there's no money to be made here. But there is one particular type of business that you can engage in that'll be able to give anyone a heart attack just by thinking about it. Speaking from a thrill seeker's point of view, it's a good thing.

The trade that I'm talking about that can get you adrenalin pumping is none other than the stock market. Unlike the other life endangering "habits" the people addicted to adrenalin crave for, the stock market is very much productive, as we all know - ever hear of momentum stocks? Well it's the term used to depict the fastest growing stocks in the market. Basically, what you do here is monitor the "flow" of a particular stock, grab your surfboard, and ride it to win. The potential of you reaping a fortune is very plausible, taken that you "ride" the right waves at the right time, but play things wrong, and you get bitten real bad.

Trading momentum stocks can be done with day trading, where all transactions are done before the end of the business day. Taking advantage of momentum stocks here would be the hardest of all, which is mainly due to the following facts: the time frame for you to operate and capitalize on something "big" is limited (hence the name day trading), which ultimately means you'll be having difficulty with buying and selling at precisely the best time. The basic method for survival here is buying when the price is low, and selling when it's high. Identifying the highest price or the peak of it may be hard to do, again due to the fact transactions are done during the day.

But the point is you take advantage when it does get there, by selling exactly at that point of time. So as you can see, whether you make a huge profit or fall into the cracks of financial ruin lies in the timing of buying and selling stocks. One thing you can do to lessen the odds of failure is to observe the pattern of how the momentum stocks move. Moving on, swing trading also utilizes momentum stocks. But unlike day trading, you work with a longer time frame. Here, you can hold stocks for days or weeks. The market here also fluctuates fast, which also determines the odds of you succeeding or failing miserably.

Dealing momentum stocks may not be as simple as you think it to be - it'll still require you to possess knowledge on the trends and how things work down at this jungle. It may take awhile before you somewhat "master" the art of timing, but it due time, it'll all fall into place.

The author of this article Rick Goldfeller is an underground Financial Analyst who has been successfully running campaigns for several wealthy clients. Rick finally decided to go public and share his knowledge and experience through his website You can sign up for his free newsletter and join his coaching program.

Stock Market Experience

With the increase in purchasing power and surplus income of people, the stock market has assumed a very important role in the lives of individuals - whether working in an MNC or running a business. The name of Mumbai conjures up the image of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) with stock traders bidding for stock prices at the top of their voice. Apart from stock exchanges and bidding, much more is involved in stock market trading - it is related to individuals' innate nature of profit making.

This article educates readers on the simple terminologies related to the stock market - it is a place where individuals or companies sell/purchase shares at a price agreed upon by both parties. Organizations may want to raise capital for expanding their business. For this, they first get themselves listed in the stock exchange. Then they issue small shares of a portion of their capital and sell those to individuals or companies through the stock exchange. In other words, stock exchange facilitates the buying and selling of stocks, called stock trading, which may happen at a real or virtual exchange. Trading happens when a potential buyer bids for a certain price on the stock and the seller agrees on that price.

The stock index indicates the price of any stock at a given time. In New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and BSE bidders and sellers carry out stock transactions on the floor; these are physical exchanges. The NASDAQ is a virtual exchange or an online stock exchange, where buying and selling happens over a network of computers and is known as online stock trading. Instead of a physical index an online stock exchange uses an online index to list its share prices. Stock traders are individuals who invest small amount of capital in stocks. Stock brokers are individuals or firms who hold stocks and trade them to smaller investors, thus having a role in temporarily controlling the prices of shares. The demand-supply gap determines the price of shares in the market. Stock trading is largely dependent on prevalent economic conditions; it rises with the booming economy and falls with inflation grasping the world order.

Be it a businessman, corporate personnel, or housewife, buying and selling of shares can be an easy way of earning (or as a matter of fact losing!) money sitting at home. This has been made easier through the services of various brokerage firms. They are professionals dealing in share trading and it is advisable to use their services when entering the stock market. The fluctuations in share prices are displayed in stock indices on a real-time basis. The time for which one can bid in the stock market is called its trading hours; for example, for NASDAQ it is 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. Some individuals trade within the trading hours of a single day, that is, buy shares when the market opens and sells them before the market closes. They are known as day traders who follow day trading of stocks. An institutional day trader works for some financial organization, while a retail day trader works on his own or with partners.

Online stock investing has opened up new vistas for share trading for common man. With information on cheapest stock trading now only fingertips away, they can learn about companies and the trends in the stock market to make prudent financial investments. In short, the stock market and trading in shares has become a second nature for the urban population of today's world.

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Intelligent Stock Trading - The Best Way to Trade Stocks

Anyone who is even a little bit familiar with the stock market knows that only some of those who trade stocks will make the money that they desire. What is not so clear is exactly what is responsible for determining who wins and who loses on the stock market. In other words, what is the best way to make sure your efforts are successful? The key is intelligent stock trading, which is the best way to trade stocks.

The first key to trading stocks the smart way is to reduce your losses. It is important to begin with this concept because it is also important to acknowledge that you will not win on every stock you purchase! Therefore, we must shift our focus from "winning on every stock" to "controlling the losses on stocks that aren't moving up". If you enter the stock market with the mentality that you understand not every stock will be a winner for you, you can therefore concentrate on limiting the losses that you do experience.

Of course, all of this is meaningless if you do not make any profits, right? After all, our goal in the stock market is not to lose just a little bit of money. Our goal is to make money! The idea behind this is to trade stocks with the intention of getting in as close to the ground floor as possible when a stock starts to move up. Then, when the stock has hit a plateau or reached its peak, you get out of there right away. Sure, you may miss out on a point or two if the momentum slows but does not completely stop, but you will also avoid selling at a lower point than you could have sold. The key here is to trade in a smart way.

Also, do not think that you have to get in on the ground floor of every stock increase. You may have missed the beginning of a nice upswing, but when you trade stocks you have to be willing to jump on these opportunities, even if you are a little late to the party! Many traders miss out on opportunities to make a nice profit because they think they were too late on an opportunity that still has some legs left. With these guidelines and a quality training program, you can get off to a great start on the stock market.

Regardless of your skill level in stock trading, there is a lot of money to be earned trading stocks if you know a few simple tips and tricks. Visit our website to access more valuable information and additional resources for stock trading:

Beginner Stock Market Investing - What You Should Know

Whether you are interested in long term investing in the stock market or shorter term stock trading, the only way to become successful is to go through a learning process.

This is one of the biggest components missing from most investors and traders, and always has been. They simply jump right in and start trading Stocks or Options with no background and without having spent any considerable time learning what goes on. This is why there is such a bad feeling whenever "stock trading" or "stock market investing" is brought up, especially in a Bear Market or Recession.

Yes, there are some who read a book or a page on a website and then get started, but that is not enough. In a raging Bull market it may be enough, as the majority of stocks will rise like a ship in the ocean with the tide rising, but as soon as the market turns, then what? Most successful stock traders and investors have read many books and in today's times, have access to study large amounts of information on websites via the internet. Not one book and one or two web pages.

Many people get involved (jump in) when the markets are rising quickly and they hear about other people making large amounts of money. The effect of a rising market will compound the perception that it is easy to make money in the markets, not because it is, but only because the market happens to be rising. This is similar to someone who makes their first trade and it ends up being profitable. That person now thinks it is easy and they are successful. This is far from the truth.

People overlook the reality of what is actually going on and zero in their attention on the possible profits that can be made (greed). Not only that, this is also the time when you will see other people and businesses publicly announcing their incredible track record of profits to draw in potential customers.

We spend so much time in school, from primary education through High School and into College to learn about possible career choices, yet when it comes to stock investing and stock trading, there is a misconception that anyone can do it.

Take the time to learn as much as you can to build a good foundation before getting involved in this field. Just like when you go to College and take general classes to build a foundation before taking classes that specialize on one area, stock trading and investing should be no different.

For more information about Beginner Stock Market Investing, visit my website at: Beginner Stock Market Investing.

Larry Both runs a website to help educate beginning and intermediate stock traders and investors. I enjoy helping other people in any way that I can, so running this website is one way I can do just that. The website provides information, tips and resources that I have gathered and learned while trading stocks online since 1997. I invite you to visit my site and take some time to look around. I am always adding new information that I feel may be useful to my visitors and my free "Market Trader" Ezine subscribers.

Larry Both

Stock Trading Personality

Everyone has a different personality. So it makes sense that everyone has a different stock trading personality. Some people trade very aggressively and like to go after the short term movements. Some people are less aggressive and like to ride the longer term trends.

Finding your trading style is very important. If you try to be too aggressive and your personality isn't the same you might get too stressed out to make good decisions. On the other hand if you are very aggressive and are trying to trade long term trends you could end up getting bored with the market and stop trading all together.

Trading on the same ground as your personality will help you want to stay in the market and learn from your mistakes. And learning from your mistakes is the only way to succeed in the stock market.

When you are developing your own strategy there are a few questions you should ask yourself.

1. What time frame do I want to trade? Are you willing to sit by your computer for an hour a day placing trades and exiting them? Do you want to ride a stocks trend for several months? Do you want to just buy strong companies and not have to worry about it again for 20 or 30 years?

2. What do you want to trade? There are stocks, ETFs, currencies, and commodities. Do you want to specialize in 1 area or spread out into different areas?

3. Do you want to trade options? Perhaps you want to invest in short term options which allow you to make higher returns, but also force you to trade shorter timeframes. Maybe you just want to use them to sell covered calls on your stocks.

Once you have answered these questions you will have a better understanding of how you should approach the market.

For more information about the stock market visit

Shaun Rosenberg - EzineArticles Expert Author

Basic Stock Market Strategies - Identifying Undervalued Stocks

If you can't seem to get yourself straightened out in the stock market, it is time to try a new strategy. Anytime an existing strategy does not work for you, you have to try something new. You can't keep trying to push the same strategy over and over again. This is something that a lot of people do, which is why they become deadlocked in the stock market.

One strategy to use is to identify undervalued stocks. But how do you do that?

Well, you have to look at a company that has a lot of revenue. They are sitting on a lot more money than what their stocks are reflecting. That is one basic clue that you can look out for.

The company will also use what is called internal rate of return to measure multiple projects against each other. This helps them understand the profitability of a project. This can help you identify their potential.

You need to look at liquidity ratios, their cash flow statement, and pretty much any of the numbers that you can get a hold of because there is a chance that the stocks will soar at some point. Once it is realized how undervalued these stocks are, everyone is going to want a piece of that company.

So make sure you do your research. Finding undervalued stocks is a great strategy to use if you want to finally get ahead in the stock market. You shouldn't have to keep using the same strategy over and over when there are so many new ones out there that you can use.

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